Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Sewing With a Plan

Some sort of virus sent me to bed for the past few days.  In a blur of stuffed head rationale, I sorted out all that was hanging on my side of the closet. I do so love to purge out the wrong, so as to make more room for the right.  Even those garments that I made just weeks ago were shown no mercy.  It took having chills and fever to accomplish the task and now that its done, I am ready to, this time, try sewing with a plan.

Until I started following the various sewing message boards, I had never heard of sewing with a plan.  It sounds like something I should try!  Not necessarily to learn new sewing techniques, but rather, to wind up with every garment hanging in the closet being something that I actually like.  What a concept.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Interfacing Has Arrived!

When the doorbell rang this morning I was hoping that it was my delivery from Pam Erny of Fashion Sewing Supply, and indeed, it was!  All the interfacing I have been waiting for has arrived.  YES!!!

Now, I can continue on with the projects that have been waiting on hold.

First up is a simple jacket from Kwik Sew 3680.  I wanted the v-neck jacket from Marfy but, apparently, it is not available.  So, I will give the Kwik Sew jacket a try.  I have a wine boucle from Denver Fabrics for this jacket.

Then, I have McCalls 5938 (a peacock blue/green wool from Fabric Mart), and Butterick 4929 (a black sort of patterned velveteen fabric from Fabric Mart) after that.

I have cut out some camel wool to make a pair of dress jeans from McCalls 5894 this morning, as well as, some plain mint green cotton to make my favorite casual blouse from Vogue 7700. I have no clue what I will wear the mint green cotton casual blouse with -- it was some fabric that I did not order, but received from Fabric Mart, and they said I could keep it. Spring is coming and I'm sure something will present itself to go with the minty cotton before long.

Sew, onward and upward! 

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Wardrobe Building

When trying to think up a name for this blog, I almost went with "The Naked Clothes Horse" because, although I LOVE fashion and lots and lots of clothes, shoes, accessories, etc., my husband and I went through a time of a significant reversal of fortune.  I am just now coming out of many years of depression and starting to take up my interest in fashion once again.  For all too long there, I went around in jeans and t-shirts 24/7 because they didn't cost much and, my depression caused me to live in fear of spending even so much as 50-cents.  I thank God for the progress out of depression and back into a more balanced mental state. Around the house, you will still find me in jeans and t-shirts, but now, with my renewed interest in fashion, I have started sewing suitable clothing for life beyond my residence. I actually get dressed up to go to church these days! 

So far, this year, I have made 3 jackets, 4 skirts, 2 pairs of pants, and 8 blouses. Currently, I have cut out and waiting in the queue: 3 more jackets, 2 more skirts and, another pair of pants. As soon as my order of interfacing from Fashion Sewing Supply shows up in the mail, I can move forward with everything that's on hold in the queue.

I have many plans for more garments but, I have to work within my budget so, sometimes its slow going.  I have no backup stash of fabric.  I order most of my fabric online and, the rest I buy downtown in the garment district of Los Angeles.  As soon as the fabric arrives either by me bringing it home or, in the mail, it is immediately cut out and prepared for its intended purpose.  My closet is looking SO much better now and, I am receiving compliments on what I wear to church too.

It will be interesting to see what all is accomplished in 2011 for my wardrobe.  I'm excited to see where this journey will lead.  Armani said: "The difference between style and fashion is quality."  Hopefully, I will portray quality and style once again.  That's my goal anyway!