Since I last blogged, I have completed sewing every piece of fabric that I had in my small stash. Now, I am back to having no stash of fabric at all. It feels SO GOOD to have completed every project and be done for awhile.
I have discovered that sewing, for me, is not so much a passion, but rather, something that I can do well enough to have some nice clothes in my closet to depend on. I have no compunction to buy new patterns and keep filling up my closet with more and more. I have enough clothes to choose from now to take me through the summer into fall and winter. Yes, that's how it is, I have enough.
Fashion may throw something out there that I might want, and I will sew it up as those pieces come along but, I am not driven to sew every day.
Looking into my closet is very satisfying now. There's plenty to choose from and I like everything that's in there. Now, its time to go on to other facets of life that appeal to my creative personality. There's always something new to learn, always something challenging. And, I have completed my sewing for now. I am content!
what a great feeling that must be! I'm thrilled for you!